April 2021
2020 Employee Wellness Grant Winners
2020 Employee Wellness Grant Winners

Not even COVID and extremely cold weather could stop PDRMA Health’s three 2020 Employee Wellness Grant winners from putting their awards to great use and inspiring healthy habits in their employees — but they did need to modify their original campaigns.

In 2020, PDRMA awarded three Employee Wellness Grants, worth up to $1,000 each, to help member agencies run innovative wellness programs for their employees. And the 2020 winners — Batavia, Lombard and Prospect Heights Park Districts — did just that.

Set Your Mind to It! Use Your Mind Toolbox

When Batavia’s Fitness Supervisor Kathy Freedlund was pondering ideas to submit for the 2020 awards, she wanted to do something especially appropriate to help others at her agency get healthy. “All of the things we’ve focused on in the past have been tied to PATH challenges, like how many miles can we walk each day, or how many fruits and vegetables can you eat. But last year, I sat back and thought about what was going on — COVID had all of us stressed in different ways. I thought, ‘What we need is stress management!’ So we came up with Set Your Mind to It! Use Your Mind Toolbox to give employees simple, proven ways to relax using meditation.”

For Freedlund, it’s a practice-what-you-preach philosophy, because as the agency’s yoga instructor, she meditates every day. “We’re producing a short video this year about how to meditate that teaches you how to close out all the outside distractions. For example, don’t think of things that are done, because they’re done, and you can’t change them. Don’t think about things that have yet to happen because they haven’t happened.”

“A Zen room in the workplace recognizes that employees do their best work when they’re feeling happy, creative and inspired...”

In addition to the video, the agency will provide monthly handouts with reminders and tips on things to do to release stress and anxiety. “Not only how to quiet those thoughts and feelings on the job,” Freedlund explains, “but how not to take them home with us. It’s about stepping back, relaxing and staying present in the moment — because if you stay in the moment, your mind is clear and healthier.”

The meditation focus spurred the creation of two meditation areas at the park district. One is outside in a beautiful, peaceful garden with a bench and bird feeder where employees can sit and absorb the sounds and sights of nature while they relax. The other is an indoor meditation, or Zen, room with sound and aroma-therapy machines as well as a reclining massage chair. “As soon as everything is ready,” she says, “we’ll have a four-week workshop — either live or via Zoom — with weekly assignments and meditation apps and will offer employees time to take five-minute morning, noon and late afternoon meditation breaks.”

“A Zen room in the workplace recognizes that employees do their best work when they’re feeling happy, creative and inspired,” adds Allison Niemela, CPRP, Batavia Park District Executive Director. “The room is in a private area away from noise and free of distractions. The lighting is soothing, there’s room to stretch, lay out a mat, practice yoga, meditate or relax in a massage chair. The options are only limited by each person's imagination.”

Tour de Europe

Lombard Park District took a more traditional approach to help employees get healthy with its virtual Tour De Europe program that encouraged employees to walk or run 3,500 miles (rather than counting steps) as they toured their way across Europe.

The tour started in Rome and made stops in London, Berlin, Paris, Madrid and returned to Rome. As they arrived in each new city, they would take a picture, learn a little about the area and celebrate with a lunch for all participants, featuring cuisine indigenous to that country.

“For example,” says Maria Foerstel, Human Resources and Risk Manager for Lombard Park District as well as the agency’s Wellness Ambassador, “in early March we arrived in Madrid and got tapas from a Spanish restaurant. And on March 16, we ended our journey in Rome and celebrated with an Italian luncheon.”

“Independently logging miles ... made it both competitive and inviting to get out and exercise on days we may have not otherwise left our desks.”

Participation was a bit lower than Foerstel would have liked because of cold temperatures and icy conditions. “People were hesitant to walk or run outside,” she explains, “and they couldn’t use the fitness center track, because we had closed it due to COVID.”

Other employees toughed it out, though, and loved the challenge, like Nicole Kapala, Lombard’s Marketing and Communications Manager, and Drew Albrecht, Graphic Designer. “I really enjoyed this challenge,” comments Kapala. “It was the perfect time of year to get motivated, and the free lunch was a bonus incentive!”

Albrecht found the program helpful in staying committed to a fitness routine during the winter. “The Tour de Europe program gave us several reasons to work out both individually and as a team to reach different points throughout Europe and enjoy some exquisite eats — from crepes to tapas and schnitzel to fish and chips.

“Independently logging miles — and seeing how far other employees have gone — made it both competitive and inviting to get out and exercise on days we may have not otherwise left our desks. It was especially helpful in the beginning to keep up my mileage in the colder months, running several 10Ks on the treadmill; before this program, I hadn't completed a 10K in more than a year. I’m much looking forward to future programs our district organizes!”

Wellness Wednesday

Prospect Heights, the third grant winner, takes pride in organizing a variety of programs for all its employees but found COVID very disruptive to its planned programs, according to Edlyn Castil, Administrative Services Manager. Castil said Prospect Heights had planned to continue its monthly programs for staff — including encouraging part-time employees to participate in PATH programs — and often used its grant funds to offer full- and part-time employees prizes. The agency had planned a 50-mile challenge for patrons in its fitness center and was going to open it up to employees as well but had to cancel the event because of COVID. In addition, the agency launched its new Wellness Wednesday program for 2020 in January but quickly had to shut that down as well.

“It’s always a healthier option to grab, so much better than the bagged snacks from the vending machine!”

With their facilities now opening in 2021 and more employees on-site, the agency is resurrecting its 5K plans, promoting a more inclusive plan for PATH challenges and, best of all, relaunching its Wellness Wednesday program! Each week, the program offers employees a healthy snack — something employees are really enjoying.

“I look forward to the healthy snack alternatives each week,” explains Leeann Daggett, a front-desk registrar. And Marci Glinski, Supervisor of Recreation, adds, “Thank you for the amazing Wellness Wednesday treats! It’s always a healthier option to grab, so much better than the bagged snacks from the vending machine!”

“The program often seems to be the bright spot in many employees’ day,” observes Castil, noting the disruption brought about by the pandemic. “I often hear people commenting with a bit of excitement, ‘It’s Wellness Wednesday!’ And that feels so good.”