The PDRMA Health Program provides participants with a Notice of Privacy Practices upon enrollment (or within 60 days of a change to the document) regarding the ways the plan uses and discloses Personal Health Information, as required by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
You can download a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices by logging in to the PDRMA website. Go to the Health menu in the top navigation and click either PPO or HMO. Then click the HIPAA drop-down menu on the right. You can also contact the PDRMA Health Program Team at 630.435.8998 to request a printed copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices.
Beginning Nov. 4, 2024, you can access copies of the Summaries of Benefits and Coverage (SBC) from the PlanSource My Benefits Portal for the 2025 plan year. Log in to the PDRMA website and go to the Health menu in the top navigation. Under Participant Resources, click My Benefits Portal. You can also contact your Health Benefits Coordinator or the PDRMA Health Program Team at 630.435.8998 to request a printed copy of any SBC.