PATH Shoutouts are a great way to recognize others’ efforts and receive recognition and support of your own! You can earn 100 points per month, or up to 300 points each quarter, for giving Shoutouts — or receiving them. Use them to say “Thanks!” or “Good job!” to a coworker or teammate. Then be sure to check our Shoutout Spotlight article in each issue of Health in Action to see if we tell your Shoutout story!
Kendra Rink Gives Brett Muhr a Shoutout for Teamwork
Kendra, left; Brett, right |
“Brett (Assistant Superintendent of Parks) is always willing to help with any preschool needs at my Jones Island Preschool location,” explains Kendra, Grayslake Community Park District Recreation Supervisor. “This winter he’ll be overseeing a project at that facility where the flooring is going to be replaced. He’s been meeting with multiple companies to get quotes and flooring samples. I just appreciate his help with this project and leading it.”
Kendra says she always appreciates Shoutouts when she receives them. “They make me feel good, so I like to give them in return.”
Maureen McCarthy Recognizes Ann Marie Buczek’s Teamwork
Ann Marie, left; Maureen, right |
Maureen, Deputy Director at Park District of Oak Park, is honest when asked about what inspires her to give someone a Shoutout. (Getting PATH points is the driver.) But she says the real benefit “is being able to show appreciation for a coworker’s efforts.”
And that’s exactly why Maureen gave Ann Marie, Director of Marketing and Community Engagement at the park district, a Shoutout for Teamwork. “Ann Marie is a great collaborator, and that skill should be appreciated.”
Christian Zirzow Sends a Shoutout to Jeremy Turton for Teamwork
Jeremy, left; Christian, right |
Christian, Assistant Superintendent of Greens at Wheeling Park District’s Chevy Chase County Club, wanted to give Jeremy, Superintendent of Greens, a Shoutout because of his hard work and positive attitude.
“Jeremy consistently demonstrates strong leadership and determination, inspiring the team to achieve our goals efficiently and to the highest standards,” explains Christian. “He is not a boss who sits around and has his employees do all the hard work. He leads by example and is never afraid to get his hands dirty (literally).
“He has been a great boss and teacher over the years I have worked with him.”
Johnny Pacheco Receives a Drive Shoutout
Johnny, left; Nicholas, right |
Johnny, Fitness & Golf Manager at Bartlett Park District, received a Shoutout for Drive from Nicholas Serritella, Scheduling Manager at the agency.
“It felt great to receive that Shoutout!” says Johnny. “Seeing someone recognizes that hard work isn’t only done on the job but also to keep your mind and body healthy and fit is encouraging. This Shoutout from Nick shows this.”
Johnny walks the talk as well. “I’ve grown up in the fitness industry, and words of encouragement and recognizing the work people put in to stay fit and healthy go a long way,” he says. “Giving others Shoutouts recognizes this and hopefully inspires them to continue the hard work they’ve been putting in.”
Dawn Krawiec Recognized for Drive with a Shoutout
Ken, left; Dawn, right |
Dawn’s husband Ken recognized her with a Shoutout for Drive — specifically for finding time to run with her crazy schedule.
“Ken is such a supportive husband!” says Dawn, Superintendent of Recreation at SEASPAR. “After having kids, I started getting more into running, and he has always cheered me on. What started as a way to get in shape and push myself to train for a marathon has become a way to manage my stress and enjoy even more time outside. We have two kids in high school that are both very busy athletes, but I continue to find the time to get out and go for a run in the forest preserve on the weekends. Ken has always supported my passion for running.”
Dawn likes to recognize others with Shoutouts as well. “When someone really inspires me by doing something that is brag worthy, I like to give them a Shoutout. One of my team members, Brian Tibbs, completed the Iron Man, and I couldn’t wait to give him a quick Shoutout for that incredible accomplishment!”