Put on Your Risk Management Grant Thinking Caps
It’s almost a real-life game of Clue, with PDRMA member employees putting on their thinking caps to detect possible risks and solutions — and earn up to $2,500 for their solutions!
All it takes are observational skills, creativity and an entry form to submit your idea into the running for a 2023 Risk Management grant or recognition award. But don't wait too long, as the deadline to enter is Friday, Sept. 1.
"You don’t have to be Magnum P.I. or Sherlock Holmes to find a risk management grant opportunity,” points out Lindsey Robertson, Risk Management Consultant.
Robertson notes that a winning solution could be right under your nose. “It might be as simple as a small piece of equipment that makes a job task safer or something that helps your agency accomplish an action step of your SMART Goals or annual activities. Even a simple solution is worth submitting for a chance to receive $500 to $2,500.”
PDRMA’s Risk Management Committee’s deadline for receiving applications is Sept. 1; grants start at $500 and increase in $250 increments up to $2,500. Each agency can submit a maximum of two applications per year.
Use the Risk Management Grant and Recognition Program Submission Form (1610) for your 2023 grant application and email it to RMGrant@pdrma.org.
Need more background information? Download our Risk Management Grant and Recognition Program (768) for all the details.
If you need some inspiration or want to see other ideas that made the grade, check out these PDRMA Resources: