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PDRMA December 2018 www.pdrma.org

Keep Your Facilities Safe and Warm This Winter

Keep Your Facilities Safe and Warm This Winter

The holidays are full of surprises like home baked treats, gifts, cold weather — and frozen pipes. An even bigger surprise is that it’s not just pipes in older buildings that freeze; those in new/ renovated buildings freeze just as easily. In fact, over the past few years, more and more PDRMA members have experienced exactly that situation.

Even when construction or renovation plans look good on paper, it doesn’t mean a harsh cold snap won’t have unexpected results. Dan Fritz, Senior Consultant at Kodiak Fire Protection Services, Inc., recommends keeping up with cold-weather maintenance regardless of the age of your buildings.

“That vestibule heater might be the right size for the square footage, but it may not be able to keep the area warm enough to protect pipes when temps are near zero and people keep opening those exterior doors...Full Article

Pilot Program Is Part of Two-year Evaluation
Pilot Program Is Part of Two-year Evaluation

Since introducing the Loss Control Review (LCR), PDRMA Risk Management staff has reviewed and updated the associated forms annually and conducted a more comprehensive evaluation every 10 years. Changes in PDRMA membership, technology, loss exposures and claims since the 2010 review prompted an even more extensive evaluation than in previous years.

Working together with members, PDRMA Risk Management Services staff and the Risk Management Committee developed a pilot program to use during this current two-year evaluation...Full Article

Practice Prevention Throughout Autumn
Turn Your Concepts into Cash in 2019

The annual Risk Management Grant and Recognition program has up to $15,000 to award for innovative solutions to tricky safety problems and challenges. Sometimes those solutions are simple and already in place; other times they come from a staff brainstorming session or suggestion box..Full Article.

New Year, New Training Calendar, New Opportunities – Register Early
New Year, New Training Calendar, New Opportunities – Register Early

When the year changes, so will PDRMA’s Training Calendar, offering you new opportunities. In addition to updated and new classes, you’ll find new online training programs and streaming videos to choose from in 2019...Full Article

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