PDRMA April 2018 www.pdrma.org
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Hazard Hunting Results in Safety Improvements


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Manage Your Agency’s Assets with Ease

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Don’t Hire a Headache…or a Lawsuit


Article 4 Image

Is Your Aquatics Safety Program Up to Date?

Manage Your Agency’s Assets with Ease

Manage Your Agency’s Assets with Ease

AssetWORKS, the asset management platform that helps PDRMA members collect, maintain, retrieve and report their asset information securely, had an entire upgrade in January to a new Asset-Maxx Asset Management Platform (AMP).

This valuable tool, provided at no additional charge to members, is a huge time saver. The improvements speed reporting for insurance, regulatory and compliance purposes, pinpoint risk management exposures, help prevent errors and omissions, and guide training efforts, providing an easy-to-use program along with access to customer support. It also helps the PDRMA membership by reducing under-reported property risks, which allows PDRMA to better manage premiums and the underwriting process while delivering more effective property conservation services.

Among the enhancements are: Improved browser compatibility, optional approval processes, an enhanced query and reporting tool, simplified import and export utilities, and the ability to export directly to Excel.

“AMP is very easy to use,” observes Aaron Gold, Director of Finance at Batavia Park District. “I appreciate the flexibility, and the reporting function in the upgraded system is easy to use as well. Report filters are intuitive, and the standard reports are easy to read while working very well for preparing year-end financial statements.”

Gold currently uses the system for tracking large-scale capital assets as well as generating the agency’s financial statements. “The reporting and inquiry functions are much more efficient than the process I used in the past.” 

Of course, systems are only as good as the accuracy of the data in them. And according to Gold, the 2018 upgrade provides a huge advantage; the ability to export directly to Excel. “When converting to the new platform, I really appreciated the ability to export report data to Excel,” he says. “This allowed me easily to confirm my data was accurately brought over to the upgraded system. I also appreciate the asset inquiry screens that allow me to filter data efficiently, which helps when searching for more specific asset entries.”

Although becoming familiar with a new system can seem daunting, AssetWORKS has that covered. “I’ve had to call support a few times to guide me through various system entries and have found the staff to be responsive and helpful in resolving all my questions,” Gold explains.

PDRMA encourages members to use this new, upgraded platform that you can access from the AssetWORKS page of the PDRMA website. You’ll find AMP resources and a recorded demo, along with customer support contact information to get answers to remaining questions directly from AssetWORKS.