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PDRMA April 2018 www.pdrma.org

Hazard Hunting Results in Safety Improvements

Hazard Hunting Results in Safety Improvements

Competition was fierce, but we have the winners of the Hazard Hunter contest! Between March 1 and March 31, teams at PDRMA member agencies went on the hunt for tripping conditions. The stakes? Bragging rights, a $250 participation award and an energized safety culture throughout the agency.

Members submitted before-and-after photos — or at least plans for how to address the hazard — via email in three areas of competition: Gnarliest Hazard, Best Non-parkie Hazard and Seasonal Star. And the winners are...Full Article

Manage Your Agency’s Assets with Ease
Manage Your Agency’s Assets with Ease

AssetWORKS, the asset management platform that helps PDRMA members collect, maintain, retrieve and report their asset information securely, had an entire upgrade in January to a new Asset-Maxx Asset Management Platform (AMP).

This valuable tool, provided at no additional charge to members, is a huge time saver. The improvements speed reporting for insurance, regulatory and compliance purposes, pinpoint risk management exposures, help prevent errors and omissions, and guide training efforts, providing an easy-to-use program along with access to customer support...Full Article

Don’t Hire a Headache…or a Lawsuit
Don’t Hire a Headache…or a Lawsuit

PDRMA members face volume and speed pressures in hiring seasonal workers but really should make it a priority to find the time to follow hiring best practices to reduce liability..Full Article.

Is Your Aquatics Safety Program Up to Date?
Is Your Aquatics Safety Program Up to Date?

Beaches, swimming pools and water parks are some of the most enticing offerings PDRMA members provide to patrons in the summer. They are also areas of mass assembly and some of the greatest liability exposures...Full Article

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