September 2024
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Megaphone “shouting out” text-message icons with hearts.
Shoutout Spotlight

PATH Shoutouts are a great way to recognize others’ efforts and receive recognition and support of your own! You can earn 100 points per month, or up to 300 points each quarter, for giving Shoutouts — or receiving them. Use them to say “Thanks!” or “Good job!” to a coworker or teammate. Then be sure to check our Shoutout Spotlight article in each issue of Health in Action to see if we tell your Shoutout story!


Linda Renz Gives Patrick Teehan a Shoutout for Responsibility

“Patrick (Athletics Supervisor) runs a tremendously successful athletics program for our district,” explains Linda, Customer Service Coordinator at Mundelein Park & Recreation District. “He does a fantastic job communicating with our front-desk customer-service team every day. Due to the large number of participants in his programs, he has been stopping by my desk every day to check and see if there are any questions about registrations, refunds, prorations, etc., regarding his programs. He also needs to know if there are conflicts, complaints, etc. Rather than waiting for me to find him, Patrick takes the initiative to find me first thing in the morning. It has helped me tremendously, and I appreciate his effort.”

Linda says giving a Shoutout is a great way to voice and show her appreciation for a job well done, especially when it makes her job a little easier. “We need more good news at work, and PDRMA’s PATH Shoutouts are an easy way to express appreciation for coworkers — and they’re a nice surprise.”


JoAnn Freeman Receives Shoutout from Stephanie Marconi

JoAnn Freeman (left) and Stephanie Marconi (right).
JoAnn, left; Stephanie, right

Marketing and Graphics Coordinator JoAnn Freeman was pleasantly surprised to receive a Shoutout for Drive from office-mate Stephanie Marconi, Recreation Supervisor for Camp, CLUB, and some special events at Wauconda Park District.

”At first, I was confused about what she said, as she has been known to send Shoutouts to those who have supported and helped her with her events, but that’s not what this Shoutout was for. After some thought, I recalled a day that was low energy, and there were multiple negative issues going on around the office. I came in with my ‘bubbly’ (her words) disposition and tried to bring a positive spin. She said to me, ‘Thank you for always bringing positivity to our office!’”

JoAnn is a fan of giving Shoutouts, too: “It's fun for me and, hopefully, a feel-good moment for each recipient,” she says. “I’m inspired to give Shoutouts when we’ve pulled together to accomplish something, like an event or task where 'many hands made light work.'”

Mike Hinz Receives a Shoutout for Drive from Katie Klemke

Mike Hinz (left) and Katie Klemke (right).
Mike, left; Katie, right

“One morning I was driving one of our construction utility vehicles on the way to our synthetic fields when Katie (Superintendent of Recreation Facilities) was parking her car,” says Mike, Athletic Field Foreman at Wheeling Park District. “The utility vehicle is equipped with forks, so I pulled up in front of her car and asked if she needed a lift. Katie smiled and gave me a thumbs up, and we both laughed,” Mike chuckles.

“One of Katie's sayings is ‘let's be better.’ She applies this value to her job, interactions with coworkers and customers, and is a leader in our organization. At the same time, she values the ‘little things in life,’ and I've had the privilege the past five years to experience many of these interactions with her. I’m grateful for our relationship and for who she is!”

Mike likes giving Shoutouts, too, because, he says, “You hope when someone receives a Shoutout, it brings a smile to the person's face, and they realize someone is paying attention and appreciates the work they’re doing and in making a difference.”

And that’s exactly what happened when he got his Shoutout from Katie. “It brought a smile to my face and a good feeling!” Mike explains, when he read Katie’s message that said, ‘Thanks for the laughs in the early a.m. — it’s a good way to start the day!”

Mark Ftacek Receives a Shoutout for Responsibility

Mark Ftacek (left) and Cynthia Babicz (right).
Mark, left; Cynthia, right

Mark, Facility Manager at Wauconda Park District, received a Shoutout for Responsibility from Cynthia Babicz, Director of Recreation.

“We have our annual triathlons near the end of July, and I’m in charge of the volunteers who help make this event possible and great. Coordinating with volunteers can be trying — but rewarding — at the same time. It was very appreciated to be recognized by Cindy!”